Reflection of Classroom Experience You will write a 3-4 page (minimum) reflectio

Reflection of Classroom Experience
You will write a 3-4 page (minimum) reflection of your experience in the classroom setting. Your reflection should include information related to your observation of effective teaching practices, learning styles, and teacher-student interaction. You should also include how this experience has helped you determine your career path in the field of education and how teaching a lesson has prepared you to move through the remaining coursework that will prepare you to become a teacher.
**** Specifically, three things that I learned and will be beneficial for me are: how to use CPalms when writing lesson plans, the importance of Formative and Summative Assessments, and the art of writing an effective lesson plan. In terms of observations, I noticed the use of Burgance Testing, Data Folio Testing, and the effectiveness of small group learning.
After taking Introduction to Teaching and seeing how much work goes into being a teacher with such little pay, I will change my major and pursue something else.

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