Objective:This assignment focuses on utilizing a specific tool to analyze the co

Objective:This assignment focuses on utilizing a specific tool to analyze the consequences of sea level rise on hazardous waste sites. By examining the effects of 5 ft and 10 ft sea level rises in Beaumont, TX, and New York City, NY, students will gain insights into the environmental challenges posed by climate change, particularly in urban and industrial areas.
Tool Introduction:An introductory overview of the Effects of Coastal Sea Level Rise on US Hazardous Waste is found here on the information page. This tool is an expansion of existing maps. Head to the NOAA Coastal Map here. This tool provides detailed mapping and data analysis capabilities to assess the impact of sea level rise on various geographical areas, with specific attention to hazardous waste sites. It allows users to simulate different sea level rise scenarios and identifies potentially affected hazardous material sites.
Once you get to the tool, select on on the bottom right of the page. Then, select “Sea Level Rise” and “Potential Pollution Sources” and hit save map. Then, ensure that you have the legend visible (bottom left). The scroll at the bottom of the page will help you look at the different flood levels. Assignment Tasks:Sea Level Rise Simulation:Use the tool to simulate two scenarios of sea level rise: 5 feet and 10 feet.
Perform this analysis for two locations: Beaumont, TX, and New York City, NY.
Data Collection:For each scenario and location, collect data on the types of hazardous waste sites impacted. Develop a one-paragraph description for each location of the things that you notice (consider type, approximate number, what they’re next to, etc.). Impact Analysis:From the data collected, select one hazardous waste site in either Beaumont, TX, or New York City, NY that will be impacted by flooding.
Write a detailed paragraph (minimum of four sentences) discussing how this particular site might impact water quality due to flooding caused by sea level rise. Consider factors such as the types of contaminants present, the site’s proximity to water bodies, and the potential for contaminant spread.
Deliverables:A report that includes:
Data table showing the types of hazardous waste sites impacted by 5 ft and 10 ft sea level rises in both Beaumont, TX, and New York City, NY.
A detailed paragraph of at least four sentences analyzing the potential impact of one selected hazardous waste site on water quality due to sea level rise-induced flooding

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