Here is a step-by-step guide for creating a website using 1) First,

Here is a step-by-step guide for creating a website using
1) First, think about the type of business you want to create a website for. This can be anything you want, including a business idea you have but haven’t started yet. Have fun with it!
2) Go to a website like and search for “ website design”. Choose a look or mood that you like. Save that image to your local machine.
3) Go to and upload the image you just saved. A color palette will be generated for you!
4) Go to and sign up for an account. Click on the “Generate Website” button.
5) Enter your website/business name, business type and other necessary details. Click on the “Create” button.
6) Durable will generate a website for you. It will be based on your business type and the answers you provided to the questions.
7) You can customize your website content/settings.. You can add a section, add text, images, videos, and other elements to your website. You can also view it in different Device sizes.

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