Hello I have assigment about best buy I did everything but I want someone do the

Hello I have assigment about best buy I did everything but I want someone do the Cash to current assets and working capital thoses two I will uplode the date. I want the furmala with and the answer for Exampla from 2018 to 2022
financial leverage index = Return on equity/Return on assets (ROE / ROA)
The leverage index measures Best Buy’s debts relative to its equity used to produce income. The lower the ratio the better, as a HIGHER ratio indicates a company is allocating a large amount of their cash flow to pay off debts.
2022: 53.49%/12.87% = 4.16%
2021: 59.53%/10.27% = 5.80%
2020: 44.30%/9.88% = 4.48%
2019: 44.30%/11.35% = 3.90%
2018: 27.67%/7.65% = 3.62%

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