For this project, you will be taking on the role of a real estate investor. You

For this project, you will be taking on the role of a real estate investor. You may and should use resources to complete this project. You are buying the home where you now live from its current owners. You will take the title in your individual name and want the property to go to me after you pass away. Upon buying the property, you are going to lease this property to your
favorite celebrity at market rent and terms for a period of one year.
1. Prepare the necessary documents to accomplish the above. The documents should be complete and signature-ready.
2. List at least five precautions you should take and why it is important that you do so.
3. Explain in detail why you used each of the specific documents (forms) you used.
4. Explain in detail how you found the necessary information to complete this project.
5. Explain in detail how you determined how much rent to charge.

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