Discussion 1 Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, Review Chapters

Discussion 1 Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,
Review Chapters 13 and 14 in the course textbook Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence.
Review the weekly lecture for this week.
Understanding and assessing your organization’s culture can mean the difference between success and failure in today’s fast-changing business environment.
In your discussion post, address the following:
What is organizational culture, and how are cultural values reflected in organizations?
What impact does organizational culture have on TQM practices and principles?
Can an organization change its organizational culture to promote TQM practices and principles?
Is it easy to change organizational culture?
What are common barriers to change?
What are some questions that organizations must ask and steps they must take in the change management process?
Also cover the following in your post:
Imagine you were asked to describe your organization.What 10 words would you use to describe your company?
What is really important? What does your organization reward and recognize?
How would you assess your organization’s culture?
What is a learning organization?Select an organization of your choice, and explain why you think they are or are not an effective learning organization.
Discussion 2
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,Review Chapters 13 and 14 in the course textbook Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence.
Review the weekly lecture for this week.
In your discussion post,Assess key supplier–management approaches.What are their strengths and weaknesses?
What approach do you think the organization you selected uses?
How does your selected organization benefit from the approach, and if it does not benefit from their approach, why not?
Apply at least two supplier–management approaches or models to your organization, and explain the benefits and drawbacks specific to your selected organization.

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