Dears, I have these tasks as a student in training but at Saudi industrial devel

I have these tasks as a student in training but at Saudi industrial development fund, and I have attached a three short reports that have been written and a guide to the report, just take ideas and write a full final report which is 3000 to 4000 words , I will attach a presentation. I want you to summarize the final report in the presentation. I will also attach a final report for you so that you can take ideas from it and apply exactly the same.
– Use Times New Roman font for all your answers
– and include a Table of content please include all the parts that are required in the file step by step from the brief point to the conclusion.
My tasks are:
Relationship Management: We analyze projects by looking at financial statements and studying the nature of the project. We then send the analysis to other departments for further review. If we decide to accept the project, we move to the signing and contract phase. The borrower receives the loan terms in a commitment letter format and submits the necessary documents.
Portfolio Management: The project goes to the portfolio department, where a manager explains the disbursement process. The borrower provides cost claims, payment proof, and necessary documents. Once everything is in order, the loan is provided, and the project can begin. In the final stage, the borrower repays the loan as per the agreement, and the project progress is reported to the portfolio manager.
Website my organisation :
(Take the company logo and put pictures )
Saudi Industrial Development Fund (

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