Create a slide show using PowerPoint or Google Slides demonstrating children participating in your chosen movement experience. You can use photos or videos that you find online to show case the movement.
Content/Writing Guidelines:
Students can choose one age group to focus on (Infants, Toddlers, or Preschool) or take a general overall approach that covers the whole child at all ages.
Discuss Big Body Play. What is it and why is it important?
Describe how it has a positive impact on children’s health and development.
Reflect on how a child’s ability or family culture might influence how a child uses their body for Big Body Play.
Describe the learning potential that happens during Big Body Play?
Connect the concept of Big Body Play to learning.
You will be focusing on Physical Development and Health and its implications on other learning domains. (Pages 31-34)
Choose specific CT Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS) strands and learning progressions to describe. (Page 8 in the ELDS will help you to understand what each section is called.)
At minimum 3 ELDS domain, strands and learning progressions must be referenced. At least one should be from Physical Development and Health. Others to focus on are Cognitive and Social Emotional. Other domains can also be included.
Strand A – Early Learning Experiences will support children to develop gross motor skills.
Learning Progression – Large Muscle Movement and Coordination
You would do the same for two more learning domains. Then you will focus your presentation on the strands and progressions you choose.
Additional Guidelines:
Base your content on research you have gathered from the text and course resources.
Be sure to cite your resources.
Be creative – use photos or clip art to add to your message.
Text book big body play by Frances M. Carlson
Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards (CT ELDS)
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