After you’ve viewed your online or live concert, submit your 450-word concert es

After you’ve viewed your online or live concert, submit your 450-word concert essay here.
Submit this assignment: Upload a Text Document Here!The only file types allowed are MS Word documents (.doc or .docx file suffixes) or .pdf files.
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Be sure you understand what is required in the Concert Essay. You can use the link below to go back to the instructions page for review.
Essay Instructions? Click on the link below!
I’ve decided to watch Herbert von Karajan’s performance of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra on YouTube. Herbert von Karajan’s representation of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, which is recognized for its technical excellence and emotional depth, is an attraction performance in the classical genre, which is why I selected this particular achievement.
After watching a live/online Classical Music Performance such as an opera, ballet, a solo recital, a chamber music recital, symphony orchestra, or choir concert, which will qualify for this assignment, you should start working on your Concert Essay then upload it on the Concert Essay Submission Page. Please make sure to answer the questions below and add any other observations that come to you containing at least 450 words. Don’t forget to spell words correctly. 1. Introductory Paragraph Please make sure to include the following information!
Concert Date/Place
Type of Concert Name of Performers
Performance Venue
2. Descriptive Paragraph
Reaction to the Performance
Composition/PerformanceWhich work did you find most enjoyable and why?
Which work did you like almost as well and why?
Which work did you least enjoy and why?
Connection to Course
To what forms and musical concepts have we studied (see below), do you see any connections?Explain your choices: Tempo, Meter, Texture, Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, and Style!
3. Last Paragraph
Personal Reaction
CritiqueWas your like or dislike due to the piece itself or the way it was played?
Give any other reactions!
Feel free to mention images, feelings, emotions, mood, and the effect of the overall spirit of the music.

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