Write an applied mathematics multiple-choice question regarding any topic and le

Write an applied mathematics multiple-choice question regarding any topic and learning objectives listed below. Please try to relate it to the field of infection prevention. There should be 5 answer choices, include the correct answer choice by highlighting it.
Topic: Estimation and Hypothesis Testing: Discrete Probability Distributions
– Binomial distribution
– Normal distribution as an approximation to the binomial distribution
– Inferences about one-population proportion
– Inferences about two-population proportions
– Poisson distribution
Learning Objectives: To define, understand, apply, and interpret the fundamental concepts associated with
one- and two-sample hypothesis tests, including null and alternative hypotheses, significance levels, test
statistics, critical regions, and p- values; to define, understand, apply, and interpret the fundamental
properties of the binomial and Poisson distributions; to select and apply the appropriate statistical tests (e.g.,
binomial test for equal proportions) and their formulas to analyze discrete data and interpret the results; to
read and interpret the binomial and Poisson distribution tables

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