share with your team your proposed questions and how you would answer them. Cons

share with your team your proposed questions and how you would answer them. Consider the tools you have at your disposal (Excel filtering, Excel pivot table, Access queries, etc.). Identify at least one question that you could answer with a multi-table Access query.
What is your general question or topic and why did you choose it? What specific questions will you try to answer through analyzing the AirBnB data?
What Excel and Access tools do you plan to use to analyze the data? (Use at least one Access query)
The Questions are: “Who are the usual New York City Airbnb hosts and guests? What potential shifts in these demographics exist among various listing categories or neighborhoods?”
“What impact does the abundance of Airbnb listings have on the local real estate market, specifically about the cost of rent and the availability of long-term rentals?”
“When are the busiest seasons, and how do these patterns affect the local community and hosts?”

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