Scenerio: You are an IT professional working for Tech Support at XYZ Corporatio

Scenerio: You are an IT professional working for Tech Support at XYZ Corporation. You have received several emails with technical issues from your users and colleagues. You have a cold and are out of the office; however, you want to help your colleagues by fixing their technical issues as soon as possible.
For this assignment, you must create a narrated presentation for your colleagues explaining how to troubleshoot the following technical issues:
Computer won’t start
Operating system is running slowly
Internet connection is very slow
Cannot connect to the Internet
Computer keeps overheating
Web browser has random automatic pop-ups
Applications keep cancelling or don’t run
IP conflict message displays
Your presentation must also include the following:
150-200 words of speaker notes for each slide to assist with your delivery of the presentation
Recording of your presentation of each slide using the recording feature in PowerPoint
Length: 10-12 slide presentation with audio recording, not including title and reference pages
References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources
The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards,

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