Scenario D&B has been asked to assist in an investigation of a possible cybercri

D&B has been asked to assist in an investigation of a possible cybercrime involving theft of intellectual property. The information will need to be obtained from an internet service provider (ISP) while complying with any applicable laws and regulations. Your manager wants to update staff on details about best practices for working with ISPs and obtaining electronic evidence.
Your manager has asked you to find resources on the web that contain information useful to this investigation, including any applicable laws, and to present the information to staff in a PowerPoint presentation.
For this part of the project, perform the following tasks.Research how to legally obtain electronic evidence in a digital forensic investigation from an ISP.
Create a PowerPoint presentation describing best practices for obtaining electronic evidence from an ISP, citing relevant laws.
Use the template of your choice and include SmartArt on at least three of the slide
Cite sources, where appropriate.
Submission RequirementsFormat: Microsoft PowerPoint (or compatible)
Font: Slide headings: Arial 32 point; Slide body: Arial 32 point (no less than 20 point for smaller text)
Citation Style: APA
Length: 8 to 12 slides, including a title slide and a summary slide/
Self-Assessment ChecklistI researched information on working with an ISP to legally obtain electronic evidence in a digital forensic investigation.
I created a presentation that describes best practices for obtaining electronic evidence from an ISP.
I followed the submission guidelines.
Also answer this discussion question: “Learning Objectives and OutcomesCompare and contrast Windows and Mac OS forensic investigations.Assignment RequirementsWindows and Mac OS are distinctly separate operating systems that use different boot processes, file systems, directories, and so on. However, some of the general steps used to examine computers for digital evidence apply to both systems.Answer the following question(s):Discuss the similarities between a Windows and a Mac OS forensic investigation.
Discuss the differences between a Windows and a Mac OS forensic investigation.
Is one operating system more challenging to analyze? Why or why not?
Fully address the question(s) in this discussion; provide valid rationale for your choices, where applicable; and respond to at least two other students’ views.”

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