POWERPOINT PRESENTATION: GOVERNOR BRIEFING ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW A new governor has come into office and was told you were the best out there on homeland security and emergency management. This governor is a novice in this area and badly needs to get up to speed quickly. He or she has asked you to provide a detailed briefing to him or her and the executive staff/cabinet heads. Your assignment is to brief the governor and staff on all things they need to know right away regarding homeland security and emergency management. Be sure to cover applicable homeland security and presidential directives, the National Response Framework (NRF), National Incident Management System (NIMS), and Incident Command System (ICS). Cover applicable Acts such as the Stafford Act etc. Also, be sure to explain and show the linkage/relationship between local, state, and federal involvement. You want to make sure the governor and staff are ready for any emergency that occurs. You will summarize your findings in an audio/visual PowerPoint (PPT) presentation. You will use PPT to build your narrated presentation and convert it into a Windows Media Video (WMV), to present and record your critique. INSTRUCTIONS Items to include are outlined as follows:  The presentation be at least 10 minutes long and should last no more than 30 minutes maximum.  A minimum of fifteen narrated content slides are required.  Standard APA Formatting will be used  You will at the minimum use the same headings as required in the written analysis.  References will be included on the last slide.  Student will include Biblical integration

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