Part 1: I want you to think about the upcoming methods assignment due for your p

Part 1: I want you to think about the upcoming methods assignment due for your project. This is an opportunity to express concerns to your peers. In your original post, I want you to write at least a paragraph expressing any concerns/worries you have about your assignment. This is not a “I’m worried about the professor not grading fairly.” Instead, this is where you express worry about the methods in the context of what you have learned in class. What challenges do you anticipating running into when conducting your study? Are there any ethical worries you think should be addressed? Anything you can think of. I have attached my current research paper that i am still working on. use it as a tool. The paragraph doesn’t have to be anything crazy. Part 1 and 2 are separate. Part 2: You must submit a minimum of 500 words describing how your project does or does not meet ethical standards. In addition, please indicate how you can rectify any ethical shortcomings if any are mentioned. This does NOT mean you have to find something unethical – but you can still spend time reflecting and talking about how ethics can be improved or how they are met. This is assignment is designed for you to think intentionally about your project.

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