Instructions A reflection paper is a chance for you to reflect on the materials

A reflection paper is a chance for you to reflect on the materials from the learning unit. You should NOT research any of the materials from the unit. Instead, work with your own understanding of the materials to create meaning for the learning unit. For Unit Five Reflection, write a 500 word reflection paper where you consider the ideas presented in Unit Five. What stuck out to you as important? Why? Can you draw a personal connection to the idea? Is there something from the last 10 years or so that relates to this idea? Explain the idea to your reader and its relevance to the learning unit. Then explain your connection — either personal or something from the last 10 years — placing it solidly within the context of the learning unit.
Be sure to quote from and reference specific materials from the Learning Unit. DO NOT do outside research. The paper should be double spaced with a standard 12 point font. Paragraphs should be left justified and the first line should be indented. No heading is required. (I want to focus on the idea that “God is dead” from Friedrich Nietzsche. where he uses the phrase to express the idea that the traditional idea of God as a metaphysical entity no longer holds sway in the modern world. This ties to my own personal experience struggling with the idea of God and how believing in him or not believing in him can cause us act immorally. I grew up in a religious house hold but as I grew into adulthood I no longer went to church or prayed and began to take God out of my life completely and it changed my lifestyle in a negative way. I have attached some passages from Nietzsche’s writing you can refer back to)

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