ACCESS TO DENTAL CARE For this assignment, select one of the issues or problems

For this assignment, select one of the issues or problems that has come up in your previous research. After selecting one thing that needs to be improved, research how other countries have addressed or are attempting to address this issue. For example, American students often underperform students from several other countries on international standardized tests. These tests focus on basic topics like literacy and mathematics. Finland is one country that typically outperforms the U.S.
Finland’s consistent outperformance comes despite the fact that Finland does not utilize annual standardized tests at each grade level; it has fewer years of required schooling (ages 7-16); and, it has a shorter school day (approximately 9 am to 2:30 pm, with several breaks).
How does Finland accomplish more with “less”? What could the U.S. educational system adopt (and adapt) from the Finnish system in order to improve itself?
If this were my topic of choice, I would focus my research on Finland’s education system – although I might also research a few other high-performing educational systems, such as South Korea’s. REQUIREMENTS:
1. APA format (margins, font, type size, page numbers, alphabetized list, etc.)
2. FOUR academic-quality sources. All sources should focus on how one or more foreign countries are addressing one of the issues or problems you have explored in your research so far. You goal is to find a possible solution to the problem the U.S. faces, although your solution may come from one country or synthesized from elements of solutions used in multiple countries. As you begin to identify a good solution, start thinking about how to craft it into a Proposal (which is the next large assignment). 3. Each entry should include three parts (just like the first Annotated Bibliography):
—APA-style citation
—Summary paragraph (objective)
—Evaluation paragraph (subjective
The focus must be on how foreign countries are approaching the issue; do not use sources that focus on the American system. Here, we want to see how people in other places think and approach issues.

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