Your paper is to be typed and double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font. You

Your paper is to be typed and double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font. Your paper will be at least 3 pages in length. The subject of your paper will be a legal dispute or controversy involving your professional area of interest (accounting, marketing, graphic design, leadership, etc.). You will research the dispute, identify the legal issue and any applicable law, describe the ultimate outcome and include a proposal as to how the issue could have been avoided and/or better handled by the business. I do pay attention to grammar and sentence structure, as it is necessary for good business writing. Your paper will be graded based on these subcategories: 1) Format, Grammar, and Writing Skills; 2) Depth; 3) Use of Research (and proper credit given); and 4) Consistency and Flow.

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