William- The reason I had chosen to take geography is because I really enjoy geo

The reason I had chosen to take geography is because I really enjoy geography and learning of other cultures, landscapes, and populations of the world. It worked out since I needed to take this class regardless, I am currently pursuing my bachelors in Fish and Wildlife management. I am just over halfway through finishing my bachelors, with 63 credit hours after this geography class is complete. Next month I will actually be beginning my Geology class which I am very excited about as I was for this class, as I enjoy both subjects.For this week’s discussion I chose topic one and will be covering the recent increased in tensions between China and Taiwan. I chose this topic since it is so relevant to current military members, with China being a near pear adversary and with the rising tensions between China and the US. In the specific instance of this article from NPR, it stated that China has 103 planes fly around Taiwan just in a single day. The increased military China has surrounding Taiwan is an effort to wear down Taiwan without evading. China views Taiwan as a renegade province and plans to unify Taiwan with the mainland. War between China and Taiwan is a concern for The US and the world, Taiwan is an ally and they are a large manufacturer of computer chips deeming them vital to world function.China is subtly increasing military pressure on Taiwan without declaring an invasion : NPRWhy China-Taiwan Relations Are So Tense | Council on Foreign Relations (cfr.org)
If you have ever seen a landslide or flooding up close, the you know that it is one of the worst things to have happen to your community. While not as spectacular a disaster as a tornado or hurricane flooding and landslides can be just as devastating and are far more likely to happen as condition are more easily meet. Not only can home and businesses get swept away, you also have the have the mess to clean up afterwards and it is just a depressing feeling looking at all the damage and debris that are just smashed together.
In July of this year, that is exactly what happened in southwestern Japan. At least 6 were killed and almost 20 suffered injuries as a result of extreme rainfall. This record breaking rain fall also affected parts of northern India causing mudslides and flooding killing as many as 22 people. This happened again in September causing damage to over 2000 homes. We will never be able to control the weather, we can to some extent control the emission of green house gases which scientists have said contributed to raising the temperature which is causing storm frequency to increase and intensity to magnify. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the only way to combat this kind of radical climate change.

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