Various types of organizations sometimes contact relational/systemic practitione

Various types of organizations sometimes contact relational/systemic practitioners to help facilitate a change within an organization. For this assignment, you will develop the outline of a toolkit for facilitating systemic change in an organization. In this course, you just need bullet points or an outline of what you anticipate including in your toolkit. Then, you will take this outline and continue refining the toolkit in the next two portfolio courses and apply it to case studies.
The contents of the toolkit should address the following seven elements:
1. Establishing a contract for the service you will provide.
2. Identifying and joining with key gatekeepers and stakeholders.
3. Assessment tools, processes, and procedures.
4. Specific strategies for assessing organizational culture, including the status of efforts towards social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
5. Obtaining buy-in for the implementation plan from gatekeepers, stakeholders, and the rank-and-file members of the organization.
6. The typical structure of your change implementation plans.
7. Evaluation procedures for gauging the impact and outcomes of the change, including managing unintended consequences.
NOTE: toolkit should mention (a) at least one relational/systemic therapy model which will be on solution focused model, (b) first and second order change, and (c) a change management model, which will be ADKAR.

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