This paper will be in APA format, Times New Roman 12-point font, at least five pages, including title page and reference page. References to the textbook are not necessary; provide evidence of your analysis of a behavioral problem using academic articles and investigative journalism. Your force field analysis charts should be integrated into the paper using Word document tools. For the RPS and Social Thinking sections, use these prompts:
Rational Problem Solving
Decide on a goal or target:
Gather information about the problem:
Generate alternative solutions:
Assess and compare alternatives: (Force Field Analyses go here)
Choose the best solution:
Develop a strategy or plan of action:
Implement the strategy:
Evaluate the results:
Social Thinking
Eliciting cognitive dissonance:
Accessing feelings:
Engaging values:
Stimulating cognition:
Obtaining information:
Internal reflection:
Use imagination to envision:
Move to action:
Closing the Circle:
Grading Criteria and Directions
Your paper will be graded on your ability to apply the steps of both Rational Problem Solving and Social Thinking to a current social problem.
Having contemplated these steps for the effects of racism on African American neighborhoods, choose another issue that places vulnerable families and communities at risk.
Trace behavioral problems like violence against Native American women, or low academic achievement related to contaminated drinking water back to their sources in organizational, institutional or systemic deviance.
After introducing the problem using current statistics and analysis of root causes, follow the format we used for Rational Problem Solving and Social Thinking and answer all prompts.
At the appropriate place, insert a Force Field Analysis for two alternative plans to address the problem.
Estimate the weights of each driving and restraining force, calculate the overall power and direction, and explain why you are choosing one alternative over the other.
Then conclude with a discussion of how you see RPS and Social Thinking complementing each other in working toward solutions to this problem.
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