This assignment has two components: Exercise and Reflection. You must complete b

This assignment has two components: Exercise and Reflection. You must complete both components according to the assignment guidelines for full credit. Generative AI and Learning Language Models (LLMs) are beginning to be more common as technology advances. These tools have valuable implications in some disciplines, but often require the user to further fact-check and confirm the content is accurate.
For this assignment, we will explore how to appropriately use AI as a research tool. You should download, fill out, and upload the attached worksheet, or you may submit your answers as a text response. Choose one of the below recommended generative AI tools, or you are welcome to try another if you’d like. Please be sure you are choosing FREE versions to avoid being charged. Recommended generative AI sites for this assignment: ChatGPT
Google Bard
Please download and fill out the below worksheet, or submit your answers (using the worksheet as a guide) as a text response.

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