There are many events, people, books, and words that are important in an underst

There are many events, people, books, and words that are important in an understanding of feminism. Based on your readings and videos in this module (2), make a glossary of the following:
Seven (7) women who are very important in the evolution of or continuation to feminist movement or feminist theorists. Discuss each person’s input in 6-8 sentences in clear and concise language.
List three (3) feminist organizations. Discuss the role and objectives of these organizations in 6-8 sentences in clear and concise language.
Create a glossary of ten (10) words/terms that are related to feminism but have not been highlighted in the notes for the module (Week 3-4 notes). Give the meaning of each term or word.
List the titles of five (5) books and their authors about feminism. Give a two (2) sentence summary of each book.
Remember you are creating a glossary: Research the features of a glossary.
You will need a works cited page (MLA). Use good grammar and other mechanics of English.
assignment 2
“Kimberlé Crenshaw – On Intersectionality – Keynote – WOW 2016” to an external site.
1. Above is a video of Kimberlé Crenshaw giving a speech. WATCH the video and list and explain (1,2,3) three (3) issues that she discusses about the treatment of Black women in the society.
2. From the list of theories that apply to Feminism (found in notes for Week 3-4), apply one (1) theory that could be used to analyze the treatment of Black women as discussed in Question 1 then explain why Black women are treated in such manner.

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