The purpose of this exercise is to examine the attached case study to assess the

The purpose of this exercise is to examine the attached case study to assess the patient’s social, psychological, and medical barriers to self-management, identify concerns, and provide a detailed treatment plan.
The student will assume the role of a respiratory therapist employed at an outpatient pulmonary practice. Each student is a member of a health care team who is responsible for assessing the patient, providing accurate and appropriate education, making clinical recommendations to primary care physicians, and for follow-up care.
Formatting requirements:
a. Title page: needs to include name, case study title, course name, and date.
b. Double-spaced Times New Roman 12-point font Word document. A PDF document will not be accepted.
c. Page numbers
d. You must have a minimum of 3 references. All references should be in APA style.
e. Separate reference page.
f. 3-4 pages in length not including title page and reference page.
After reviewing the case study, you must create a care/treatment plan for the patient. Please see the attached file for the case study.
Your paper must include the following:
Identify and describe two barriers to self-management for this patient.
Identify short-term goals to address each barrier (these must be measurable, obtainable, and can be implemented by the patient to begin engagement in self-management).
Describe your continuing care plan and interventions to address these barriers for the patient.
Provide an evidence-based rationale for your care plan/interventions.

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