The goal of this assignment is to segment the iris region of an eye and convert it into a co-centricity invariant representation (from Cartesian to polar coordinates) of a nxm matrix.
Use all images in “” in the Files section. For each image:
1. Use (a) the Hough transform for circle detection (any Matlab/Python implementation you find), and (b) Daugman’s integrodifferential objective to calculate both boundaries of the iris (inner and outer)
2. Convert the iris region into a polar coordinates representation (as in the lecture slides). Submit:
Matlab/Python code with any additional external functions you used.
A screen recording of your execution, for each image, where you will show: (i) the hough transform results superimposed on the image; (ii) Daugman’s method results superimposed on the image, and (iii) the “unwrapped” iris.
Notes: 3 points for Hough transform, 5 points for Daugman’s method, 2 points for screen recording
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