Succession Planning? The founder of XYZ company has decided to retire. He wants

Succession Planning? The founder of XYZ company has decided to retire. He wants one of three children to take over leadership of the business—and he knows exactly who it should be. Other members of the family have their ideas as well. One segment of the family wants the oldest son, Michael, to take over, but the founder thinks Michael is a melon head. The second son, Christopher, is a well-meaning and hard-working part of the business, but he just does not have what it takes to be a leader. Nonetheless, he is favored by another group of family members. Samantha, the youngest child, is as sharp as a tack, with solid experience and accomplishments under her belt. On an objective basis, Samantha would be the best choice for the business. She is the founder’s choice to take over the company and has other family supporters as well, although not as many as for Michael or Christopher. This is a situation tailor-made for conflict. How does the founder finesse the selection of Samantha and minimize the conflict that is bound to occur? Can he win?

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