Referring to this week’s reading, pages 37 – 82 in Click! 1. Martin describes t

Referring to this week’s reading, pages 37 – 82 in Click!
1. Martin describes the “click” as “the flipping of the switch.” In the introductory readings on feminism, Baumgardner and Richards state that most come to feminism through personal experience.
Share YOUR click moment in 550-600 words. Even if you don’t identify as a “feminist” (yet — or maybe you never will), you are enrolled in this class and there most have been a click moment that led you to consider this class or, perhaps, you’ve had some moments of “recognition” or awareness since enrolling. . Maybe, like many other women, you felt compelled to take action and publicly ask that question, “what it mean to dress like a woman?” or, perhaps, take action and show people the many ways
However large or small, share your “moment” (or simply “a moment”) or realization that have, at the least, caused you to ponder things you’ve taken for granted up to now or those that have (or will) act as a catalyst for action in your life.
In addition, compare and contrast your moment of recognition with at least 2 of the click moments shared in pages 37 – 82…
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