QUESTION: In response to your peers, choose one of the following Fundamental Sec

In response to your peers, choose one of the following Fundamental Security Design Principles:
Simplicity of design
Trust relationships
Defense in depth
Discuss how the two principles work together to improve security when the selected firewall type is employed.
Hi Everyone,
I decided to choose a network-based firewall and the design principle of Isolation.
We all know that network segmentation plays a crucial role when it comes to safeguarding confidential client data. By dividing assets into zones controlled by firewall policies, businesses can control communication channels and restrict access attempts, whether it be legitimate or malicious.
I worked at a financial services company as a Firewall Administrator a few years ago and during a Check Point firewall upgrade, there was a disruption in a third-party financial advisor’s access to a mission-critical client reporting portal. After some investigation, we discovered that the connectivity issue was caused by the firewall receiving a new “updated” configuration. This update applied a stricter firewall rule that limited external partner access. Thankfully, we were able to adjust the firewall rule and resolve the problem. We were able to restore their reporting functionality safely.
Although it was inconvenient, this incident highlighted how firewalls fulfil their critical function of keeping customer data secure and isolated. It also emphasized the benefits of controlling portal permissions through network micro-segmentation rather than solely relying on server-based security measures.
Purpose-built firewalls remain essential for financial service firms to manage sensitive client information and assets. While configuring them may be complex, they enable the creation of security zones that minimize risks in case any environment is compromised while still allowing necessary operations. This isolation advantage justifies the effort required for organizations dealing with wealth or personal data.
Hello everyone,
I would like to describe how a network-based firewall can address the “Modularity” security design principle.
Modularity refers to the concept of breaking down a system into smaller, more manageable components, which can be developed, tested, and maintained independently. Network-based firewalls are designed to provide security by monitoring and filtering traffic at the network level. They exist as a separate network device, which makes them beneficial for enforcing a modular security design.
By applying a network-based firewall, organizations can implement a modular security design that separates internal networks from external networks. For example, an organization may have a network that is dedicated to specific applications or services that require additional security controls to protect from external threats. A network-based firewall can be placed between these two networks to control traffic flow and prevent unauthorized access.
The firewall can be configured to permit only authorized traffic to move from the external network to the internal network, and vice versa. This helps to ensure that each network remains secure and isolated from the other, and that any breach of security in one network does not affect the other.
In conclusion, a network-based firewall can provide modularity in an organization’s security design by enforcing separation and isolation of different networks and applications. This allows for a more modular approach to security design, which in turn facilitates easier management, testing, and maintenance of each security component.

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