Please remember: this is a judgment-free zone. You may have strong feelings abou

Please remember: this is a judgment-free zone. You may have strong feelings about these topics, as Chapters 6 and 7 cover abortion, birth control, pre-martial sex, sexuality, etc.
–Read the PDF.
–Go to the Discussion Question.
–Pick a topic.
–Do the work listed in the Discussion question of choice, which includes looking a handout from the book and watching a video.
Creativity will be celebrated in this assignment. You do not have to be creative but if you are feeling the muse of creativity, have fun, be creative!
You can do the discussion like you always do (post a written response).
You can make a poster, drawing, collage or handout reflecting your topic of choice. Creativity encouraged! You can make a TikTok or video about one of the topics and share it so we can view your answer.
You can make a social media post, five-slide PowerPoint or even sing a song about one of the topics.
Credit of Extra is to include the title of a favorite song in your discussion post. Don’t point it out–I’ll find it.
You can ask to do something totally different–as long as it’s creative and covers a topic listed, I’ll say yes.
This assignment gives you FOUR choices. Your discussion post is based on ONE topic of choice:
A. CHOICE ONE: SEXUALITY (Understanding Your Sexuality) Taco/hot dog video. B. CHOICE FOUR: BIRTH CONTROL (Considering Your Reproductive Rights)
Contraception video. C. CHOICE THREE: PREGNANT!
Rose and Rosie talk about childbirth. D. COMMUNICATION/RELATIONSHIPS (Connecting and Communicating in the Modern World)
Love has no labels video. It’s not hard, it’s fun and it’s stuff you need in “real life.” Thanks! “And don’t forget the files”

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