Please read Chapter 2 in your main text and pages xxxvii – lv in the Child Saver

Please read Chapter 2 in your main text and pages xxxvii – lv in the Child Savers in its entirety and prepare your minimum two-page document as follows:
The first thing you should do is to state the topics for the week. all chapters, any assigned reading
Your next section should be the discussion of the substantive points you learned from all the assigned readings. Clearly, list and discuss each issue. Do not write one giant paragraph!! PLEASE NOTE that merely listing five points will not guarantee you full points. Discuss what you learned. (Also, DO NOT COPY the summary of the chapter. You will receive 0 – points!!)
You then move on to stating what was not clear to you from all the assigned readings. If you understand everything, please note this.
Identify what made you think from the readings; discuss the ‘what’ and ‘why.’
You then state how what you read impacts or will impact your life, thoughts, feelings, work, etc.
List your question from the reading. This question should be thought-provoking and not trivial.

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