Pick a Fortune 500 company you will enjoy learning about their financial perform

Pick a Fortune 500 company you will enjoy learning about their financial performance.
Fortune 500 Company is WALMART
Create a 1- to 2-page outline or chart identifying KPIs for WALMART and including the following:
The company and its ticker symbol
Cash flow from operations
Price-to-earnings ratio
Stock dividends and the yield, if any
Earnings per share ratio
Revenue estimates for the next 12 months
Revenue from the previous 3 years
Statement of cash flows and identification of net cash from operating, investing, and financing activities over the past 3 years
Average trade volume.
Current stock price, 52-week high, and 1-year estimated stock price
Analysts’ recommendations for the stock (buy, sell, or hold)
Market cap for the company
Just the APA Outline – not an essay paper; this is draft of the Outline

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