Phase 1 Network Design Trine University looking for Consultation Company to des

Phase 1 Network Design
Trine University looking for Consultation Company to design the network for Indiana Campus.
The Campus has Internet connection with one ISP.
You have four programs’ departments; Engineering, Nursing, IT, and Finance; in additional to the staffing and the management departments.
Your design should include: Network Diagram.
IP address distribution.
VLAN names and related IP subnets.
Network devices required for your design (with their models, pricing and specifications if possible) …. (such as: Firewalls, Routers, Switches, WAP, IP Phone, …).
Network Servers and Applications required for your design.
In Phase 1, student need to submit draft for the whole project requirements, then finalize the project with presentation on Week 8. Student need to take into consideration the instructor feedback on the submitted draft when completing the final version.
This assignment must be formatted in APA Style 7th edition.
Please refer to the Written Assignment rubric on the start here tab for this paper
explanation should be added for each design stage

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