(Original content only) (2 pages) (i want to be a forensic accountant for the NY

(Original content only) (2 pages) (i want to be a forensic accountant for the NYPD and have banking experience from Bank of America and finished the correctional academy at Rikers Island, NYPD…Military police experience as well in the Army)
Describe how you plan to use the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program and Walden resources to help augment your desired skills and experiences.
What things are most important to you to gain from your MPA experience? What resources might you need to attain those goals?
Review the MPA Capstone requirements. Describe your initial thoughts on what you might want to do for your Capstone Assignment. (Note: You will have ample time to consider your capstone decision. This component is only an initial thought and may change as you continue through the program).
What positive social change do you hope to effect?
AppendixInclude a reference list, and a draft resumé as an appendix, both in APA format. For the resumé, use the headings from the “Resumé Checklist”on the Walden Career Services page entitled “Resumés and More” by following the link to “Walden Resumé Resources” Additional headings may be used but are optional for this assignment. Note: Blank out personal information, such as phone numbers.

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