O.J. Simpson: (please ask me for videos once you’re selected) Who are the tw

O.J. Simpson: (please ask me for videos once you’re selected) Who are the two victims in the O.J. Simpson case?
When did the crime occur?
Where did the crime occur?
What are the statutes for this crime?
What were the charges O.J. Simpson in the murder trial?
Who were the defense attorneys on the O.J. Simpson case?
What type of defense did the “Dream Team” use in the O.J. Simpson case? (Duress, Intoxication, Innocence, Mistake, etc.)
What are the reasons why the defense attorney utilized this defense? Explain what they argued in the courtroom.
What could O.J. Simpson not put on?
Who are the individuals that the defense attorneys blamed in the trial (victims, witnesses, prosecution, law enforcement, etc?) – noted in the videos?
What is the famous saying of the defense attorney?
Do you believe that this may have affected the outcome of the case?
Do you believe that utilizing the history of a victim is necessary or appropriate as a defense attorney? Explain your answer
Why was O.J. Simpson tried twice?
a. Should not double jeopardy protect him against this act? Explain your answer.
10. After watching the video, do you believe that O.J. Simpson committed the crimes? Why or why not? Explain.

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