Lianozov Theatre, Moscow Art Theatre is the theatre and time period required for

Lianozov Theatre, Moscow Art Theatre is the theatre and time period required for this assignment. **special note to focus on the time period when it was called Lianozov not Lianozovsky**** < Do not use Wikipedia for ANY sources. Add a bibliography for all sources used. ... Explain what would it have been like to attend a production in a theatre from the past? What historical moment are you discussing? What did the theater look like? (Theater configuration, indoor/outdoor, seating, etc.) What plays and playwright were popular? Who attended? Why? What could the audience expect to happen during the performance? What were the expectations of the audience during the "live" event? ... Then explain "What place did theatre have in society?" What class/classes of people went to the theatre? Was theatre banned? Censored? Who could write plays? Who could perform in plays? Who could watch plays? Was theatre respected? Was it looked down upon? Or, did people not really care about it?

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