it was very difficult for women to enter the academy and achieve recognition as

it was very difficult for women to enter the academy and achieve recognition as artists during the eighteenth and nineteenth-centuries. At the same time, gender played a key role in many of the movements we’ve discussed during the term so far. This is evident in the varying symbolic roles played by the female body, as well as the kinds of access that women had to public space during this period (e.g. women in the PRB and Victorian society more generally, the symbolic role of the female body in Neoclassical and Romantic art, the constraints imposed on women painters and artists throughout the nineteenth-century, etc. e.g. Manet’s Olympia vs Titian’s Venus of Urbino). Using examples in neoclassical art and works by female artists roughly during the same period, describe some of the ways in which gender has been addressed in modern paintings today.
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