Instructions: In one file, write programs for the tasks below and upload the fil

Instructions: In one file, write programs for the tasks below and upload the file (.py) to Blackboard. In the top comments section of the file, please include your name, the date, and the assignment number. While you don’t have to add comments for every line of code, please include comments to tell a reader what you are doing. Commenting your code also suggests to me that you know what you are doing.
While there is no one way to do things, your code should only use commands and methods from class. I do not want you using other commands that you got from the internet,
Also use the #%% command to divide each answer into its own cell. Note also include #%% after the last line of code in the program. the assignment questions in the word file ” assignment 2″, please the codes in the power point attached and not from any other source.

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