I have this assignment due and I will provide all the information and if you can

I have this assignment due and I will provide all the information and if you can finish it earlier I will appreciate it and if there is anything let me know. This assignment have 3 parts and make sure to be your own words.
Part 1
Discussion Procrastination
After reading Chapter 3 and watching the Ted Talk, think about the following questions: How would you describe your time management and prioritization skills?
Which ideas or strategies from the Ted Talk or textbook resonated with you and are you likely to start using?
What helps you stop procrastinating? Part 2
Assignment Linking your personal values to your goals
The goal of this assignment is to put together the personal values you discovered last week and reflect on how these values are tied to your academic, career, and personal goals. You will also need to identify a goal that’s tied to your values and ensure that it meets the SMART goal criteria. Instructions
Write a journal entry or record yourself reflecting on these points: What were your top 5 core values? Discuss why you chose these. Describe at least one academic, career or personal goal and explain how it is tied to your values.
Using the SMART goal criteria, list how your goal meets each of the criteria. Part 3
For this assignment is separate from the 2 assignment above and it’s kinda the same idea but I will provide all the information about and I want it to be in different file. SMART Goal Worksheet
After reading the article SMART Goals, please complete the SMART Goal Worksheet. Click here to download the worksheet
Once you have completed the worksheet you will submit your assignment here by 11: 59 PM Sunday. SMART GOALS Chart (READ)
Please read the article on SMART goals. Click here to read the article

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