Final Project Proposal WHO: This is an individual effort assignment from each st

Final Project Proposal
This is an individual effort assignment from each student in the course.
The Final Project Proposal is a written submission in which students identify and discuss the issue(s) surrounding their chosen themes/topics and propose a program, initiative, or activity that will address those issues. For example, a student from a previous semester chose the theme of Climate Change and Natural Disasters for his project package. For the Final Project Product Proposal, he discussed how climate change affects agriculture in South and Central America. Within the proposal, he identified the issue and causes, prior attempts and deficiencies in addressing the issue, and proposed the solution of enhancing global awareness through art (making information pertaining to climate change more appealing and interesting for a targeted audience).
Sample Final Project
Final Project Proposal TemplateActions
Students are required to submit drafts of the Final Project Product Proposal for feedback before submitting the final draft of the proposal.
Part 1:
The problem to be addressed
Problem subtopic
Possible causes and maintaining forces
Background and Justification
Part 2:
Newly proposed deliverable
Here are the recommended completion steps:
View the provided example and the sample template.
The student should select a global healthcare-related topic that truly interests them; they should not feel confined in this process. However, check with the instructor to confirm this topic is “OK.”
Identify a problem within that topic area, and then, write that problem as a research question. <<<<< Take time with this step. Historically, this is what students have struggled with the most. Here is a very brief example: Topic = WNBA Basketball Problem = There are not as many teams as the NBA so there is a limited variety of matchups. Research question/subtopic = Based on past research, what are the major hurdles that are delaying the expansion of the WNBA? Write part 1 mentioned above. Identify a possible solution to the research question and substantiate why this is unique and better than previous solutions to the problem. *NOTE: This will be the catalyst for the dynamic deliverable. For example, If your solution to the lack of teams in the WNBA is to write an NBA bylaw that requires NBA teams to also have a “sister” WNBA team. The dynamic deliverable would be that bylaw. If your solution is to have a TV campaign to encourage fans to write letters to NBA owners (who don’t have a WNBA team) and encourage them to start one, the dynamic deliverable would be an original video of that TV commercial. Write part 2 mentioned above. Review to ensure all the required subheadings, from the template, are included and covered. Example themes/topics/global health problems may include (but are not limited to): HIV/AIDS Obesity & Heart Disease Food/Water Insecurity, Hunger, & Poverty Medical Tourism Climate Change & Natural Disasters Abortion & Family Planning Universal Healthcare vs. Private Sector Insurance-based Payers Health & Wellbeing for Nations at War/Unrest Vaccinations, Genetic Testing, Autism & Developmental Disabilities Global Health Security & Preparedness for Aggressive Communicable Diseases LGBT Community Health Cancer Euthanasia / Death & Dying

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