Discussion Assignment After our reading this week, it’s clear that plagiarism is

Discussion Assignment
After our reading this week, it’s clear that plagiarism is a sticky ethical issue, ranging from accidental infractions to outright theft of intellectual property. Review the Code of Academic Integrity in the UoPeople Catalog (available on UoPeople’s website, https://www.uopeople.edu), and then write a reflection answering the following questions:
Did any of the information in the Catalog – such as the consequences – surprise you? Why or why not?
Given the potential consequences for plagiarizing, why do you think students engage in plagiarism? Be sure to explore at least two possible reasons why students might plagiarize.
What strategies will you use to avoid plagiarism?
Discussion RequirementsYour post should be between 150 and 300 words. Remember to post as early as possible, preferably by Sunday evening, in order to allow time for you and your classmates to discussion.

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