Demonstrate your VEXcode VR programming skills through a creative PowerPoint

Demonstrate your VEXcode VR programming skills through a creative PowerPoint presentation enhanced with video and screenshots.
1. Choose Activities: Select four advanced activities from the
2. Learn: You can learn how to program your virtual robot in the (It is strongly recommended that your review this information prior to attempting this assignment).
3. Program the Robot: Complete the chosen activities using ensuring thorough documentation.
4.  Presentation: Using screenshots, screen sharing, screen capture, etc., need a PowerPoint presentation in which you discuss:
The      activities you selected
Steps      taken for each activity
Your      results for each activity
Any      other observations or ideas you feel are relevant.
Use      PowerPoint to compile your presentation.
Include      video in the PowerPoint of your activity in action and relevant      screenshots.
Discuss      the selected activities, steps taken, results, and other relevant      observations.

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