Check this and accept if willing to work. Before starting Topic Proposal You mus

Check this and accept if willing to work.
Before starting
Topic Proposal
You must pick a vulnerability you want to tackle. It is not your teacher’s responsible to suggest vulnerabilities to you. Each vulnerability must be approved by your tutor/teacher, so make sure you get the approval prior to the submission.
To get approval for this vulnerability, you must contact your tutor/teacher via email. Your email must contain:
1. Your name and student number
2. Vulnerability (CVE number and name)
3. One or two paragraph description of the vulnerability which must be written by you and not be copied from other sources.
4. One paragraph description of the software you will use for the exploitation. This must include both the exploit code and the vulnerable software of the target and must also include links that demonstrate where you will obtain the software from.
A vulnerability is only approved, after your tutor/teacher has approved your proposal in writing via email

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