Big Data Analytics Outcome (3 responses) 1 responses with not more than 500 word

Big Data Analytics
Outcome (3 responses)
1 responses with not more than 500 words with at least 4 APA7 references (Due on 21st Feb, 2024)
1 powerpoint presentation preferably Google Slides (at least 20 slides )including either 20 graphs and 10 maps or 15 graphs and 15 maps. In total at least 30 designs are expected.
1 .docx file explaining the graphs
Please go through the below resources provided and go through the dataset provided and follow the instructions on each individual question.
For the presentation, please provide the speaker’s note separately in different files with each slide number. The speakers’ note should be in simple language.
Keep the presentation slides clean with short text, probably less of them and include images (if possible).
Don’t worry about the design of the presentation, just keep trying not to overload the slides with texts. Focus on content only. No design required.
Provide Plagiarism and A Similarity report after completion
Question No 1(Due on 21st Feb, 2024)
Video1 :
Video2 :
Video3 :
The reading and videos for this week bring to light some of the ethical and business-related issues in collecting and using data gathered about customer behaviors and using it to target advertising. These data often include things such as location tracking, travel patterns, purchase histories, browsing histories, etc. What are your views regarding the collection of these data about you personally? Do you feel this is a justified and valid business practice? Or do you feel it is an invasion of privacy? These data are gathered through devices such as mobile phones, watches, and other Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. Do you take any actions on your personal devices to manage or limit tracking or protect your privacy by preventing such data gathering? Question No 2
Dataset Link:…
Big data in the form of immense data sets are not helpful in decision-making without some form of visualization. A picture is worth a thousand words,” definitely rings true in this case. The Data set is attached below for COVID-19. Use the same file. The data set should be saved in .CSV format. Use the Tableau Tutorial to apply the concepts to the data set you have downloaded. Create a visualization of the data that can be used to interpret what the data says using Tableau.
Create a presentation with a title, visualization graph, and brief explanation. Create a separate .docx file explaining the business logic, what the graph depicts. You can just list down the graph number and add an explanation. The logic should be clear and well explained and reseaonable.

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