1. Download any GPS application on your cellphone and learn how to use it. You w

1. Download any GPS application on your cellphone and learn how to use it. You will go outside, measure a location, and report them in this assignment.
** Let’ use WGS 84 (EPSG 4326) Datum. (It should be a default geographic coordinate system. )
2. Pick a location from Campus Highlights GuideLinks to an external site. (https://www.washington.edu/visit/campus-highlights-guide/)Links to an external site. or your favorite place on UW campus.
3. Go to the location and measure the location information with your GPS app.
4. Fill out the Google sheetLinks to an external site. with Your Name, Location Name, Longitude, Latitude, Altitude, GPS Application name, Survey Date, and Comment by Feb. 4, midnight.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10NsKDD9LKU…Links to an external site.

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