Write a short paper on Dewey “what I believe”. See instructions from the syllabu

Write a short paper on Dewey “what I believe”. See instructions from the syllabus below.
Short Writings (11 total: see course schedule below) 220 points
The purpose of these assignments is to help you clarify your understanding of the readings and to help you think critically about the issues. Follow these instructions carefully, please.
Rubric — doing ALL of these things will make the difference between a “passing” and “failing” paper:
What to write on short/critical reaction papers:
1. ____ Is the paper long enough? It must be at least 250 words. (Can it be longer? Sure.)
2.____ Is the paper related to the readings? Does it demonstrate understanding of the basics of the readings?
3. ____ Does the paper introduce its topic in the first 1-2 sentences a summary of what the paper is about.
4.____ Is the paper “critical” as it should be? Or does it just try to sum up the reading or repeat points made there. (I.e., no book reports, please.) By “critical” I mean the paper raises a question or discusses an original insight. Here are examples of how to go about this:
* Focus on a claim or argument made; is it convincing or not? Does it offer some reasons or evidence for the position taken?
* or
* Point to an interesting concept/idea in the readings and relate it to an experience you have had; how does the concept illuminate your experience?
* or
* Describe an idea/concept in the readings and then show it might be extended — trace out further implications of that idea, either in more theoretical or practical ways.
5. ____ Does the paper meet these basic criteria?
* Clarity — paper makes a point or two clearly, perhaps illustrating with examples. It is NOT vague or confusing.
* Organization — Paper has a beginning, middle, and end. Sentences and paragraphs should be in a clear sequence, leading one to another.
* Grammar, Syntax, & Mechanics: Spell check is used. Paper has been read over once for continuity and grammar. Papers which cannot be understood or are filled with spelling, grammar, and other mechanical errors will not be passed.
Write a critical paper and not just a summary paper!!! I’ll check for PLAGIARISM!!! And do not use any outside source besides the attached reading. You have come up with and/or with personal experiences or illustrations from your own life.

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