Write a personal narrative in which you identify an experience or two that has b

Write a personal narrative in which you identify an experience or two that has been instrumental
in shaping the way you understand yourself and the world around you. Extrapolate on that
particular experience in a way that sheds light on a social, political, cultural, or economic issue.
Consider the narratives we’ve read thus far about particular events that have shaped the writer’s
understanding of the world. The narratives of Lehna and Alexie are grounded in particular events
(such as a prison sentence or becoming literate) which ultimately comment on racial, social,
ethical, and political issues. Although your experiences may not seem as significant or life-
changing as some of the experiences we’ve read about, surely you’ve had experiences that may,
although subtly, reveal something about these larger issues.
Of course, your story shouldn’t be told simply for the sake of telling a story. Meaning, you’ll
want to have a point or takeaway for the reader (again, refer to some of the narratives we’ve read
for guidance). Have a thesis that is central to the story. While a certain amount of interpretation
or exposition is necessary for this kind of assignment, remember that you needn’t necessarily tie
all loose ends for the reader (consider the way some of the narratives we’ve read conclude).
Keep in mind the “Characteristic Features” of a narrative found in your Everyone’s an Author
book on “Writing a Narrative.”
Obviously, while most academic genres of writing forbid the personal pronoun “I,” this paper is
going to require that you use it because you are talking about yourself.
– To identify a personal experience which has larger ramifications
– To tell a clear story that makes a point
– To write a readable narrative
– To reflect on how past experiences have shaped your present
– To write a narrative with particular details to evoke images
– Length: 4 – 6 typed, double-spaced pages in Times New Roman with 12 point font with
1” margins. Also, include a centered, revealing title (don’t just write “Personal
Narrative”). List the draft (first or final).
– Audience: While this is personal, it is intended to be read by your peers and the
instructor. Therefore, you’ll want to choose an experience which you are comfortable
sharing with other people
Grading Criteria:
– Clearly identifies an event or two
– Relates experiences to larger issues
– Narrative has a point (implied thesis)
– Writing is clear, well-organized, and edited for clarity.
– Meets assignment length and is free of grammatical errors

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