PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHYThe objective of this assignment is to deepen your understanding of Earth’s physical geography by creating an infographic that visually represents key features and processes. Through this assignment, you will develop skills in data visualization, summarization, and effective communication.
Choose a specific physical geography topic that interests you. This could include landforms, climate zones, natural disasters, or any other aspect of Earth’s physical environment that we have covered since Exam 2.
This assignment aims to develop your skills in visual communication while increasing awareness of the interaction of Earth’s four spheres. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out for clarification.
ASSIGNMENT COMPONENTSIntroduction (10 points)
Briefly introduce the chosen physical geography topic and why you chose the topic
State the significance and relevance of the topic to physical geography
Key Characteristics (15 points)
Identify and describe the key characteristics or elements associated with your chosen topic
Use concise text and visuals to highlight important details
Formation and Processes (15 points)
Explain the processes involved in the formation of the chosen feature or phenomenon
Include relevant scientific principles and/or terminology
Geographical Distribution (15 points)
Illustrate/describe the global or regional distribution of the chosen feature
Use maps, charts, or graphs to show geographical patterns
Human Interaction (15 points)
Explore how human activities interact with or impact the chosen physical geography feature
Discuss both positive and negative aspects, if applicable
Significance and Challenges (15 points)
Highlight the significance of the chosen physical geography feature in terms of environmental, social, or economic impacts
Discuss any challenges or threats it may face
Data Visualization (15 points)
Create visually appealing and informative graphs, charts, or maps that enhance the understanding of your topic – choose the key points you want to highlight and use your writeup to support those points
Be sure any visualizations are clear, relevant, and support your overall narrative
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES – INFOGRAPHIC AND SHORT ASSESSMENTFormat: create a digital infographic using any suitable software (Canva, PowerPoint, Google Slides, etc.)
Length: the infographic should be one page and you may include a reference page with sources
Submission: Submit the infographic as a high-resolution image or PDF and a brief written summary of your findings (150-200 words)
Include references in your findings writeup – these do not count towards your 150-200 words
Your written writeup can be in the Canvas text box or another document that you upload
GRADING CRITERIAContent accuracy and depth
Clarity and organization of information
Creativity and effectiveness of data visualizations
Adherence to guidelines for the project
DUE DATEThe assignment is due on December 12 by 11:59pm via Canvas. There will be an assignment available in the Week 16 in Canvas module where you can submit your documents. Late submissions will not be accepted. No exceptions.
Below is an example of an infographic – this infographic was a template that I found online in Canva regarding World Regional Geography in general. You can find similar templates that you can edit, or you can get creative and make your own.

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