Using maps, you’ll be examining the toponyms of your state oklaloma . You’ll nee

Using maps, you’ll be examining the toponyms of your state oklaloma . You’ll need to locate a map that includes both physical and political features and describe the meaning behind the names of places.
Toponyms reveal a lot about the culture, history, and physical geography of your state. Find a detailed map of your state. It needs to have both political features (cities and counties) and physical features (rivers, mountains, and lakes) labeled.
First, identify what non-English languages are prominently used in your state’s place names. Are Native American words commonly used in your state’s place names? Identify any place names that are transplanted from elsewhere (e.g., New London, Connecticut, or Rome, New York). What do these place names reveal about the cultural history of your state?
Next, identify any historical people used in your state’s place names (Columbus, Ohio, or Lincoln, Nebraska). Some of the names of the people used in the place names of your state may be very important to the history of the local area, but unknown nationally. Places may also be named for the kings and dukes associated with the home country.
Lastly, identify any descriptions of physical features used in your state’s political place names (e.g., Grand Rapids, Michigan, or Long Beach, California). Do these names accurately represent the physical landscape of the area? Are there any place names in your state that represent the native flora and fauna (e.g., Southern Pines, North Carolina, or Wolf Point, Montana)?
Summarize your findings in a few paragraphs. What other questions does your analysis raise?
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300 + Words
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1 + Sources
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