Students are to first read the Duron, Johnson, Hage, & Postmus (2021) article on

Students are to first read the Duron, Johnson, Hage, & Postmus (2021) article on coercive control (found in Module 11). After reading the article, apply what you learned to the case study listed below.
Be sure to cite the article in correct APA format in your responses. The proper way to cite within the text of a document is to add the citation in parentheses as is exemplified here (Duron, Johnson, Hage, & Postmus, 2021). Note that the parentheses appears at the end of the sentence before the punctuation.
Lynette has been married to James for 11 years. The couple have two children (Samantha and Xavier), both under the age of five. They live in a two-story house in the country. James works at home and Lynette is a full-time homemaker. James’ mother lives about 14 miles away, but Lynette’s family lives three hours away. The couple do not have any close friends. Lynette had friends when she first met James, but over time those friendships dwindled due to the fact that James didn’t like Lynette spending time away from him.
The first time James was physically abusive to Lynette he slapped her across the face when she questioned why she couldn’t have more money for the groceries. Getting the groceries was the only time Lynette was away from James for any length of time and his birthday was coming up. She was hoping to pick him up a small gift and asked for a little extra money that week. When he asked why she didn’t have a good reason she just asked why she couldn’t have more. His response was to slap her across the face. Since then, slapping and punching Lynette has become a regular response when she does something that he doesn’t like.
Lynette has thought about leaving James, but she doesn’t have any savings of her own, a car of her own, and having two children under the age of five makes achieving these things difficult. Also, Lynette worries about what James would do if she tried to leave him. He controls everything about her life and when he loses any of that control, he gets very angry and more violent.
One night when James is out playing poker with other men in the neighborhood Lynette calls her mother to talk and vent about her situation. Her mother, exasperated over the fact that they’ve had this same conversation for years, says “I don’t understand why you don’t wait until he’s asleep and then take the kids and walk out the door!”
How would you explain to Lynette’s mother (and others) why it isn’t that easy to leave [base your responses on what you learn from the Duron et al. (2021) reading]?
What reasons would you provide?
What would you recommend that her mother (and anyone that cares about Lynette) should do instead of saying ‘why don’t you leave’?

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