Reaction Paper #2 – This paper will be a reaction paper to the Rutgers Community

Reaction Paper #2 – This paper will be a reaction paper to the Rutgers Community Service Officer Program. More specifically, please view the video posted and identify several aspects of the program which are more beneficial than a traditional internship program. You should identify what aspect(s) of the program are most beneficial and how you (the future law enforcement officer) can benefit from same. Please pay attention to the technology utilized when viewing the video as well. It is not mentioned, but you can clearly view many of the items we spoke about and touched on within your readings. Where appropriate you should identify things discussed from your assigned Chapter readings. Please cite at least three (3X) sources within the paper.
From Syllabus: Reaction Paper Assignments: Each student is required to write two Reaction Papers. Each Reaction Paper will be 750-1000 words, typed, doubled spaced with a Header (Name, Date, and Title of Paper) and the font will be Times New Roman New – 12. Reaction Papers are required to be handed in the following week after the assignment is given. Each Reaction Paper is worth 10%, totaling 20% of your Final Grade.

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